Welcome to our hiring solution for Tech Leads!

Welcome to Pitcheers!

Your HR department’s ally

Are you tired of spending countless hours writing job ads, posting them, reading resumes, coordinating interviews, and trying to figure out if candidates are truly interested in the job?

Do you find the hiring process time-consuming and frustrating?.

Look no further. Pitcheers has the solution to make your hiring job easier.

We take the hassle out of the hiring process

Our mission is to make HR's life easier by taking care of the time-consuming tasks, freeing up your time to focus on what truly matters.!

We provide you with high-performing candidates without you having to spend endless hours writing job ads, reading CVs, and conducting interviews

The experience of working with Pitcheers is different from experiences you might have had with recruitment agencies, which provide you with candidates that are supposed to match the role you need to fill.

We have revised this process and found it makes you lose time and energy with candidates that aren’t suitable for your team.

We believe that hiring should be a stress-free process. We take the time to understand your company's culture, goals, and specific needs so that we can find the best match for your team. All you have to do is select the candidate you like and get them started as soon as possible.

We'll also provide training to you and your team on how to hire effectively, so that you can be confident in your hiring decisions and focus on your other important tasks.
How do we make the hiring process easier for you?

By taking most of the steps off your plate. You won’t have to worry about:

  1. Writing job ads
  2. Waiting for applications
  3. Reading CVs
  4. Selecting candidates to call
  5. Scheduling interviews
  6. Conducting interviews
  7. Analyzing information from interviews
  8. Rejecting unsuitable candidates
  9. Scheduling second rounds of interviews

All you have to do is plan the hiring process with us, interview the candidates we present to you, and hire the candidate you want.

How do we help you hire?

We help you hire top tech professionals in just 4 simple steps.

Step 1 of hiring

We kick-start the process by working with you to plan your hiring needs.

We provide expert advice and guidance to ensure that you have all the information you need to make the right hire.

So why wait? Say goodbye to the stress and pressure of hiring, and let us help you build your dream team today. Work with us and see the difference for yourself!

Phoenix Zerin
Software Development Manager at PHX Limited

I was ready to scale my first software development project, and I needed a team. I had some amazing junior developers, but I was having a difficult time finding intermediate and senior developers to create a diverse team.

The market for talent in New Zealand is super competitive, and I was concerned that recruitment would take up a disproportionate amount of time and resources, jeopardizing my ability to get the project off the ground. This is where Pitcheers came in as a strategic partner, and it was the most valuable hiring experience I've ever had, by a long shot!

Santiago at Pitcheers worked with me to design the entire hiring process from start to finish. He advised me on how to design the structure and wording of the job description, so that it would appeal to a diverse pool of candidates. He also leveraged his international network to connect me with an offshore outsourcing company, to kick-start the development work whilst I was still looking for local devs to join the team.

Of course, he also helped to source candidates, and he did introduce me to an exceptional intermediate developer based in New Zealand. Thanks to Santiago's expert guidance in designing the role and the process, the candidate was an exact fit for my needs (and vice versa), and we reached a signed offer very quickly.

Pitcheers raises the bar for recruiters everywhere; they are definitely more than that. Sourcing candidates is now table stakes; if the people helping you hire aren’t consulting at a strategic level, you must get in touch with Pitcheers!

Let us know what you are looking for.